Exit and Interior Problem -
Astrais - 26.12.2012
I am using AGnational Bank FS. He already added a bank and the exit location of it, I added 2 more banks called Bank2 and Bank3. When I exit either of them it brings me back to the location of the first one. And the interior of the bank is always a 24/7.
Here is the exit script part.
dcmd_exit(playerid,params[]) {
#pragma unused params
if(pBankInfo[playerid][PLAYER_INBANK] == 1) {
SetPlayerPos(playerid,1274,23,1467.2456,-1011.0726); //location of first bank(my own first bank loc)
pBankInfo[playerid][PLAYER_INBANK] = 0;
Re: Exit and Interior Problem - Patrick - 26.12.2012
try to make it in different virtual worlds while you are making a another entrance and exit
Re: Exit and Interior Problem -
Astrais - 26.12.2012
Originally Posted by pds2012
try to make it in different virtual worlds while you are making a another entrance and exit
I forgot to mention that I am completely new to scripting in Pawno. Could you please explain that, I dont understand.
Re: Exit and Interior Problem -
Astrais - 27.12.2012
Re : Exit and Interior Problem -
[HRD]Mar1 - 27.12.2012
When player enter the bank1
pawn Код:
When player enter the bank2
pawn Код:
When player enter the bank3
pawn Код:
And for every pickup set the apropriate virtual world don't use -1 for pickups
Re: Exit and Interior Problem -
Astrais - 27.12.2012
Still have no idea. Sorry guys
Re: Exit and Interior Problem -
Scott Zulkifli - 28.12.2012
maybe that script /enter to bank
because it could be the same bank vitural.
i use zcmd
pawn Код:
CMD:enter(playerid, params[])
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, /*X,Y,Z*/))// on exterior {
SetPlayerPos(playerid, /*X,Y,Z*/);// to interior
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 1337);//dont same the vitural world
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, /*X,Y,Z*/))//on exterior {
SetPlayerPos(playerid, /*X,Y,Z*/);// to interior
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 1338);
return 1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, /*X,Y,Z*/)) //on interior {
SetPlayerPos(playerid, /*X,Y,Z*/);// to exterior
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, /*X,Y,Z*/))//on interior {
SetPlayerPos(playerid, /*X,Y,Z*/); //to exterior
return 1;
i dont know too
Re: Exit and Interior Problem -
Astrais - 28.12.2012
Here is the full script not mine, i did not make changes to it