Needing someone that can make logos - Printable Version
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Needing someone that can make logos -
NinjaChicken - 23.12.2012
hey, im looking for someone to make me an awesome logo for my website main page, and for the forums i will pay you for the work pm me for more details
btw website is
Re: Needing someone that can make logos -
Luxorz - 23.12.2012
LOL! You're forum is huge fail btw.. Cuz u kinda stole NGG's forum script xD and Congratz on 400 post.
So what kinda LOGO you need? Give us more infromation i can do it for free
Re: Needing someone that can make logos -
NinjaChicken - 23.12.2012
woah 400, i really need to learn to actually script 98% of the stuff in my posts is asking how to do basic shit anyway, im basically want generationx gaming in a logo across the entire top of the home page, and same with the forums try and match the colors of the home page and forums please :/ what else do you want?
EDIT: for the actual forums can i get a logo about the same size please
Re: Needing someone that can make logos -
Luxorz - 23.12.2012
Originally Posted by NinjaChicken
woah 400, i really need to learn to actually script 98% of the stuff in my posts is asking how to do basic shit anyway, im basically want generationx gaming in a logo across the entire top of the home page, and same with the forums try and match the colors of the home page and forums please :/ what else do you want?
EDIT: for the actual forums can i get a logo about the same size please
I have no idea what have u just said.. PM me xD