Textdraws help - Printable Version
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Textdraws help -
Dark Killer - 16.12.2012
I created Textdraws for showing players some like there car speed
but when 2 players joins the textdraw starts blinking and shows another players stats and sometime mines
how can i fix that?
Regards Pulkit
Re: Textdraws help -
Faisal_khan - 16.12.2012
Post the code so we can help you out.
Re: Textdraws help -
Dark Killer - 16.12.2012
TBatt = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid,540.000000, 385.000000, "");
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid,TBatt, 2);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid,TBatt, 0.399999, 0.590000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid,TBatt, 0xffff00ff);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid,TBatt, 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid,TBatt, 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid,TBatt, 1);
Re: Textdraws help -
RedCrossER - 16.12.2012
well when these textdraw will be created?
onplayerconnect or ongamemodeint ?
Re: Textdraws help -
RajatPawar - 16.12.2012
This seems fine, there must be something wrong when you are setting a string for the textdraw for displaying the information. Please share with us, that code too.
Re: Textdraws help -
Dark Killer - 16.12.2012
Re: Textdraws help -
RedCrossER - 16.12.2012
well this causes when you create textdraw at different places so try to create all textdraw at 1 function , good to create it in gamemode or onplayerconnect
Re: Textdraws help -
Dark Killer - 16.12.2012
all are created together in ongamemodeinit
Re: Textdraws help -
RedCrossER - 16.12.2012
make all texrdraw as global textdraw
Re: Textdraws help -
Dark Killer - 16.12.2012
What you mean please expain me

you mean without [max_playerS]?