[HELP] Random Explosions -
niconhan - 16.12.2012
Does anyone know of a random explosion script? Like for a RP server to have random explosions for the fire department to go to. I know someone released one at one time but I cant find it by searching I've looked for over an hour.
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
Socan - 16.12.2012
Here, my mate made this.
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
niconhan - 16.12.2012
I already have 1 code the explosion but it does not in my opinion
public OnFilterScriptInit()
SetTimer("OnBurgerExplosion", 3600000, true);
return 1;
new Float:RandomSpawns[][] =
{1249.7258, -2047.9263, 59.9209}, //
{1241.2084, -2057.6521, 60.0190}, //
{1241.0105, -2052.6873, 59.9975}, //
{718.4906, -1477.3024, 5.4688}, //
{722.3772, -1477.2856, 5.4688} //
forward OnBurgerExplosion(playerid); // You can name this whatever you feel.
public OnBurgerExplosion(playerid)
static explode2; // Defining the explode
if(explode2 == 0)
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "Co mot vu no vua xay ra, hay den do ngay.");
SendRadioMessage(4, TEAM_MED_COLOR, string);
explode2++; // Every explosion, this will go up
if(explode2 < 100) // once it explodes 100 times, it will disable itself
SetTimer("OnBurgerExplosion", 3000, false); // This makes it disable itself
explode2 = 0; // If this is 0, it will start exploding, because fo the timer
new bomb= random(sizeof(RandomSpawns));
CreateExplosion(RandomSpawns[bomb][0],RandomSpawns[bomb][1],RandomSpawns[bomb][2], 2, 50.0); // explosions
CreateExplosion(RandomSpawns[bomb][0],RandomSpawns[bomb][1],RandomSpawns[bomb][2], 2, 50.0); // explosions
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid,RandomSpawns[bomb][0],RandomSpawns[bomb][1],RandomSpawns[bomb][2], 4.0);
// X, Y, Z == X = X Coordinates, Y = Y Coordinates, Z = Z Coordinates
return 1;
When it exploded, the checkpoint position on the map is not available with explosion...
Please help me!

I want to script mode Roleplay of me
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
niconhan - 16.12.2012
please help....bro
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
Dark Killer - 16.12.2012
ok see this is what i use lol
x,y,z where you wanna create explosion
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
Faisal_khan - 16.12.2012
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
niconhan - 16.12.2012
but i want random explosion for faction LAFD...
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
RajatPawar - 16.12.2012
Just create this: (An err.. 'Collection' of random locations you can record using /save ingame')
pawn Код:
new Float:RandomSpawns[][] =
{1249.7258, -2047.9263, 59.9209}, //
{1241.2084, -2057.6521, 60.0190}, //
{1241.0105, -2052.6873, 59.9975}, //
{718.4906, -1477.3024, 5.4688}, //
{722.3772, -1477.2856, 5.4688} //
pawn Код:
CreateExplosion(RandomSpawns[random(sizeof(RandomSpawns))][0], RandomSpawns[random(sizeof(RandomSpawns))][1], RandomSpawns[random(sizeof(RandomSpawns))][2] //creates random explosions at one of the points.
Then you can 'CreateDynamicCP'..
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
niconhan - 16.12.2012
where to put on?
Re: [HELP] Random Explosions -
niconhan - 16.12.2012
if me create
CreateExplosion(RandomSpawns[random(sizeof(RandomSpawns))][0], RandomSpawns[random(sizeof(RandomSpawns))][1], RandomSpawns[random(sizeof(RandomSpawns))][2] //creates random explosions at one of the points.
it will finished when me go to....sorry for bad english!!!