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Armor Problem - Printable Version

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Armor Problem - Blackazur - 15.12.2012

Hello, i have the Problem that sometimes when a Player hit a Player there have Armour, the Armour refill automatic, can everyone say me how to fix that?

Here the OnPlayerTakeDamage with the Armour:

new Float:armour;
if(armour > 0.0)

Re: Armor Problem - willsuckformoney - 15.12.2012

I see no problems here, it has to be somewhere else.

AW: Armor Problem - Blackazur - 15.12.2012

case 9:
                       if(PlayerMoney[playerid] < 20000) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You need $20000!");

                       SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 99.0);
                       format(str,144,"«| %s bought Armour using /shop|»",PlayerName[playerid]);
Maybe here?

Re: Armor Problem - park4bmx - 15.12.2012

by the look of it, it buys you the armor , somewhere else.

Re: Armor Problem - maramizo - 15.12.2012

Change your script to
pawn Код:
if(armour > 0.0)
    if(armour > 50.0) SetPlayerArmour(playerid,armour-50.0);
    else SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 0);
As you're setting his armor to a negative, which sets armor to 100.