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JoinPed - MarkzD - 15.12.2012

Hey, guys, i write a SA-TDM for all,i have problem with joinped.
How activete join ped for 2 comands?
if(Player[playerid][pTeam] >= 1)
join ped activete

Re: JoinPed - Mean - 15.12.2012

what is join ped?

Re : JoinPed - DarkZeroX - 15.12.2012

if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/team1", true)==0)
    if(Player[playerid][pTeam] == 1)
       player for team 1
       return 1;
    players no team 1.


Re: JoinPed - MarkzD - 15.12.2012

i mean skins

Re: JoinPed - park4bmx - 15.12.2012

pawn Код:
if(Player[playerid][pTeam] >= 1)
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 123);
?? i didn't get what your saying.

Re: JoinPed - MarkzD - 15.12.2012

oh guys, forget

Re: JoinPed - maramizo - 15.12.2012

pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == ?) SetPlayerSkin(playerid, ?);
else SetPlayerSkin(playerid, ?);