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xml? - Printable Version

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xml? - N0FeaR - 15.12.2012

C:\Users\d\Desktop\Server\gamemodes\Mode3.pwn( : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "xml"

Where do i can find the xml include?

Re: xml? - Mean - 15.12.2012

Re: xml? - N0FeaR - 15.12.2012

I still get same fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "xml" ?

Re: xml? - Mean - 15.12.2012

Did you put in your pawno\include folder?

If you're still getting the error, try opening pawno and using the "open" function to open the script - do not just double click the script.

Re: xml? - BlueSky_ - 15.12.2012

put xml in your pawno>>include then compile!