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Question with dini - Printable Version

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Question with dini - karolis1478 - 15.12.2012

Hi, my server register system is with dini include, i want just look how much in server is registered players, example:
Server is having 236 registered players!
someone can give here script?

Re: Question with dini - JaKe Elite - 15.12.2012

It's possible.
However, This is not recommended.
You've to create a variable (global one).
Then when player registers. do something like

pawn Код:
Registered += 1;
then save it with dini_SetInt.

then onplayerconnect

pawn Код:
new string[128];
format(string, sizeof(string), "Server is having %i registered players!", Registered);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);

Re: Question with dini - RajatPawar - 15.12.2012

@ romel, may I know (out of curiosity) why is it not recommended? I agree it would complicate or lag when using INI..any other reason? Thanks.