error 079: inconsistent return types (array & non-array) |
if (strcmp("/wepshop", cmdtext, true, 11) == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Weapon Shop","Brass Knuckles ($500)\nGolf Club ($500)\nNite Stick ($500)\nKnife ($500)\nBaseball Bat ($500)\nShovel ($500)\nPool Cue ($500)\nKatana ($500)\nChainsaw ($1500)\n9mm Pistol ($2000)\nSilenced 9mm Pistol ($2100)\nDesert Eagle ($2100)\nSawn-Off Shotgun ($10000)\nAK-47 ($5000)\nTEC-9 ($2500)\nSpecial Weapon ($50000)\n","Buy!", "Exit");
return 1;
return 1;
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Weapon Shop","Brass Knuckles ($500)\nGolf Club ($500)\nNite Stick ($500)\nKnife ($500)\nBaseball Bat ($500)\nShovel ($500)\nPool Cue ($500)\nKatana ($500)\n
Chainsaw ($1500)\n9mm Pistol ($2000)\nSilenced 9mm Pistol ($2100)\nDesert Eagle ($2100)\nSawn-Off Shotgun ($10000)\nAK-47 ($5000)\nTEC-9 ($2500)\nSpecial Weapon ($50000)\n","Buy!", "Exit");
LINE 416: if (strcmp("/wepshop", cmdtext, true, 11) == 0)
LINE 417: {
LINE 418: if(IsPlayerVipType(playerid,1))
LINE 419: {
LINE 420: new listitem[] = "1\tBrass Knuckles ($500)\n2\tGolf Club ($500)\n3\tNite Stick ($500)\n4\tKnife ($500)\n5\tBaseball Bat ($500)\n6\tShovel ($500)\n7\tPool Cue ($500)\n8\tKatana ($500)\n9\tChainsaw ($1500)\n10\t9mm Pistol ($2000)\n11\tSilenced 9mm Pistol ($2100)\n12\tDesert Eagle ($2100)\n13\tSawn-Off Shotgun ($10000)\n14\tAK-47 ($5000)\n15\tTEC-9 ($2500)\n16\tSpecial Weapon ($50000)\n";
LINE 421: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"List of weapons:",listitems,"Get Gun","Cancel");
LINE 422: if(dialogid == 1) {
LINE 423: if(response) {
LINE 424: new message[256+1];
LINE 425: if(listitem == 0) {
LINE 426: format(message, 256, "You selected 'Brass Knuckles'", listitem);
LINE 427: GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -500);
LINE 428: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, message);
LINE 429: GivePlayerWeapon (playerid, 1, 500);
LINE 430: } else if(listitem == 1) {
LINE 431: format(message, 256, "You selected 'Golf Club'", listitem);
LINE 432: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, message);
LINE 433: GivePlayerWeapon (playerid, 2, 500);
LINE 434: return 1;
(421) : error 017: undefined symbol "listitems" (422) : error 017: undefined symbol "dialogid" (423) : error 017: undefined symbol "response" (425) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "listitem") (430) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "listitem") (434) : error 079: inconsistent return types (array & non-array) |
return 1;
new string[64] = "a text";
return string;