---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team [17:26:24] [17:26:24] Server Plugins [17:26:24] -------------- [17:26:24] Loading plugin: Whirlpool [17:26:24] [17:26:24] ================== [17:26:24] [17:26:24] Whirlpool loaded [17:26:24] [17:26:24] ================== [17:26:24] [17:26:24] Loaded. [17:26:24] Loaded 1 plugins. [17:26:24] [17:26:24] Filterscripts [17:26:24] --------------- [17:26:24] Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'... [17:26:24] Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'... [17:26:24] ___________________________________________________ [17:26:24] [17:26:24] L.A.S v1.6 Beta [17:26:24] --------------- [17:26:24] LuX Administration System [17:26:24] ______________________________________________ [17:26:24] -> Loading... [17:26:24] -Current Configurations Successfully Loaded! [17:26:24] [17:26:24] -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations: [17:26:24] AutoLogin: [Enabled!] ReadCmds: [Enabled!] [17:26:24] AntiSwear: [Disabled] AntiSpam: [Enabled!] [17:26:24] NameKick: [Enabled!] AntiBot: [Enabled!] [17:26:24] ConnectMsgs: [Enabled!] NoCaps: [Disabled] [17:26:24] AdminCmdMsgs: [Enabled!] Anti Ads: [Enabled!] [17:26:24] SaveMoney: [Enabled!] MustLogin [Enabled!] [17:26:24] Forbid Weaps: [Disabled] AdmSkins: [Disabled] [17:26:24] ReadPms: [Enabled!] MaxLevel: [10] [17:26:24] SaveWeaps [Enabled!] Max Ping: [0ms] [17:26:24] ChatDisabled: [Disabled] MuteWarns: [4] [17:26:24] MustRegister: [Enabled!] AdmSkins [217, 214] [17:26:24] -> Loaded Successfully! [17:26:24] Date: 14/12/2012 - Time: 17:26:24 [17:26:24] ___________________________________________________ [17:26:24] Loading filterscript 'L_TDC.amx'... [17:26:24] [17:26:24] ********************************** [17:26:24] * * [17:26:24] * --------------- * [17:26:24] * -> LuX TDC <- * [17:26:24] * --------------- * [17:26:24] * The Digital Clock v1.0 * [17:26:24] * By LuxurioN * [17:26:24] * * [17:26:24] ********************************** [17:26:24] [17:26:24] Loading filterscript 'CarMenu_v1.2.amx'... [17:26:24] =============================================== [17:26:24] Vehicle Selection Menu By [03]Garsino Loaded... [17:26:24] =============================================== [17:26:24] Loaded 4 filterscripts. [17:26:24] ----------------------------------------- [17:26:24] Fas Drift Beta by FaSihYouSf [17:26:24] ----------------------------------------- [17:26:24] Number of vehicle models: 6
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password imtheboss maxplayers 500 port 7777 hostname Fas Drift 0.3d Beta gamemode0 FasDW 1 gamemode1 wolf filterscripts anims LuxAdmin L_TDC CarMenu_v1.2 announce 1 query 1 weburl www.sa-mp.com plugins Whirlpool onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 0 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password imtheboss maxplayers 500 port 7777 hostname Fas Drift 0.3d Beta gamemode0 FasDW 1 gamemode1 wolf filterscripts anims LuxAdmin L_TDC CarMenu_v1.2 announce 1 query 1 weburl www.sa-mp.com plugins Whirlpool onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 0 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] |
lanmode 1 |