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Help with File Functions! - Printable Version

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Help with File Functions! - electrux - 14.12.2012

Hey all. I need help with file functions of sa-mp.
I have read all tutorials of wiki on File Functions but didnt understand it properly. So i want someone to just write a tutorial on it. There is no tutorials on forums here about it. So please help... Any help would be appreciated. Thankss .

Re: Help with File Functions! - [HK]Ryder[AN] - 14.12.2012

They are now outdated..use y_ini

Re: Help with File Functions! - electrux - 14.12.2012

But i dont want to use any form of ini system...

Re: Help with File Functions! - BlueSky_ - 14.12.2012

use Y_Ini as Ryder said above,no problems in scripting!

Re: Help with File Functions! - electrux - 14.12.2012

I know it. I do use SII for now but i also wanna learn File Functions. Anyone please help .

Re: Help with File Functions! - electrux - 14.12.2012

Thanks man very much and btw i am not using ini like data. I want to store the position of saved vehicles in only one file and load it when GM starts.