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Windows 8 - Printable Version

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Windows 8 - izomac - 12.12.2012

Hello i'm currently having compatible problems with windows 8 and SA:MP , i've tried out the solutions in the sticky thread and tried the solutions posted in reply's. Is there any way to fix this problem and will it ever be compatible?

Re: Windows 8 - izomac - 13.12.2012

I was able to solve the problem if someone else has this problem please folow these guidelines.

Right click on SA:MP > Properties > compatibility settings > And check this box "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" then run as a administrator.

Re: Windows 8 - ColorHost-Kevin - 13.12.2012

Dont get me started on Windows 8. But glad you got it fixed to run SAMP!

Re: Windows 8 - Jochemd - 13.12.2012

SA-MP should run fine without anything. If it worked on Windows 7, it does on Windows 8.

Re: Windows 8 - izomac - 13.12.2012

Originally Posted by Jochemd
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SA-MP should run fine without anything. If it worked on Windows 7, it does on Windows 8.
Nop there are a lot of people who have compatible problems with SA:MP. SA:MP would crash when it was loaded up to 80%.

Re: Windows 8 - Jakku - 13.12.2012

If you can't run it on Windows 8, you must have failed something yourself.

PS. Running Windows 8 and playing SA-MP

Re: Windows 8 - [FSaF]Jarno - 13.12.2012

Originally Posted by Jochemd
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SA-MP should run fine without anything. If it worked on Windows 7, it does on Windows 8.
When i installed it to my friend's computer running windows 7 i had to tweak it for 2 hours to find a solution to the compatibility problems. Worked fine on my win 7 tho.

Re: Windows 8 - XtremeR - 13.12.2012

SAMP works on Windows 8 Perfectly fine! but windows 8 sucks :3

Re: Windows 8 - izomac - 13.12.2012

Originally Posted by XtremeR
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SAMP works on Windows 8 Perfectly fine! but windows 8 sucks :3
Other threads say something diffrent , theres also a temporary fix for when you have windows 8 stickied for this section so apearently it doesn't work perfectly. Also everyone said windows 7 sucked at first to but people changed theire minds... Give it some time and be open for something diffrent.

Re: Windows 8 - XtremeR - 13.12.2012

well, yea thats what i said to my self and uninstalled windows 8, installed windows 7 and now ill wait for Windows 8 Ultimate, maybe its better?