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[FilterScript] Translator Online [Using a_http] - Printable Version

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Translator Online [Using a_http] - adri1 - 08.12.2012

-Using a_http
-Babylon translator
-39 Languajes aviables
de - German
ar - Arabic
bg - Bulgarian
ca - Catalan
cs - Czech
zh-CHS - Chinese Simplified
zh-CHT - Traditional Chinese
ko - Korean
ht - Haitian Creole
da - Danish
sk - Slovak
sl - Slovenian
es - Spanish
et - Estonian
fi - Finnish
fr - French
el - Greek
he - Hebrew
hi - Hindi
MWW - hmong daw
nl - Dutch
hu - Hungarian
id - Indonesian
in - English
it - italiano
ja - Japanese
lv - Latvian
lt - Lithuanian
no - Norwegian
fa - Persian
pl - Polish
pt - Portuguese
ro - Romanian
ru - Russian
sv - Swedish
th - Thai
tr - Turkish
uk - Ukrainian
vi - Vietnamese
-Auto detect the languaje written
-With Audio "text to speech" by ****** translator

******* video:

adri1 Script
Babylon translator
****** translator for "text to speech"




Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - Lordzy - 08.12.2012

Pretty interesting.

Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - Patrick - 08.12.2012

Another good job adri1 same as your siri but just an translator + Rep!

Respuesta: Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - adri1 - 08.12.2012

Originally Posted by pds2012
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Another good job adri1 same as your siri but just an translator + Rep!
Yes, in the next version on siri, I input this.

Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - RedCrossER - 08.12.2012

Good job , looks great

Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - Mr.Anonymous - 08.12.2012

Why can't I hear anything?

Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 08.12.2012

Glad to see Romanian, thanks! Really good work!

Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - Jay. - 08.12.2012

This will be really helpful for players who have a question but do not know the
servers language! Well done. Fabulous job.

Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - Alcatraz Gaming - 08.12.2012

So x10000000000000 useful to those german/russian DM servers where i can't even understand a single word

Respuesta: Re: Translator Online [Using a_http] - adri1 - 08.12.2012

Originally Posted by Mr.Anonymous
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Why can't I hear anything?
It might be because the language chosen this evil
What language you has been selected?


Thanks to all!