SetPlayerCameraFrontVector - Printable Version
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SetPlayerCameraFrontVector -
Cpt.Falcon - 07.12.2012
Hi everyone.
I am making a script in wich I could use the non-existing function:"SetPlayerCameraFrontVector".
I want to make the player look at something, so change "the current direction of player's aiming in 3-D space".
Does any of you know how could pull this off without using cameras? It seems so simple, just like SetPlayerFacingAngle. Just change the point of aim.
Thanks in advance.
Re: SetPlayerCameraFrontVector -
DaRk_RaiN - 07.12.2012
pawn Код:
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid,x,y,z,CAMERA_MOVE);//change x y z to the point you want the player to look at
Re: SetPlayerCameraFrontVector -
Cpt.Falcon - 07.12.2012
Isn't a camera independent of the normal view?
I want to actually change the the aim as if you were moving the mouse.
Re: SetPlayerCameraFrontVector -
Cpt.Falcon - 08.12.2012
Isn't there any other way?