Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
Mikkel_RE - 02.12.2012
Hi i have this on OnPlayerDeath, and i want that when a player dies he will drop the crack if he got more than 10 grams in his inventory, but when i die the object drops, but when i try to pick it up it says there's just 0 grams.
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack] > 10)
PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack] = 10;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(DropInfo); i++)
if(DropInfo[i][dx] == 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dy] == 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dz] == 0.0)
new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
new rpos[2];
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z);
DropInfo[i][dType] = 2;
DropInfo[i][dAmount][0] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack] > 10;
DropInfo[i][dx] = X;
DropInfo[i][dy] = Y;
DropInfo[i][dz] = Z;
rpos[0] = random(4), rpos[1] = random(4);
DropInfo[i][dWorld] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(1575, X + rpos[0], Y + rpos[1], Z, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
Re: Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
Mikkel_RE - 02.12.2012
Can anyone help me please?
Re: Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
TheArcher - 02.12.2012
DropInfo[i][dAmount][0] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack];
Re: Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
Mikkel_RE - 02.12.2012
It dont have to drop all the crack, only the crack he have over 10 grams, so if he got 30 grams on him he will drop 20 grams.
Re: Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
Mikkel_RE - 03.12.2012
Can anyone help me please?
Re: Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
N0FeaR - 03.12.2012
Originally Posted by Mikkel_RE
Can anyone help me please?
Give me the cmd u have for pick up the crack.
Re: Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
Mikkel_RE - 03.12.2012
Originally Posted by N0FeaR
Give me the cmd u have for pick up the crack.
This on OnPlayerCommandText
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/grab", true)==0)
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
if(MedicBill[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You have no access to grab items at your health.");
return 1;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(DropInfo); i++)
if (PlayerToPoint(1.0,playerid,DropInfo[i][dx],DropInfo[i][dy],DropInfo[i][dz]))
if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == DropInfo[i][dWorld])
if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 2) // Crack
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "BOMBER", "BOM_Plant", 4.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SetTimerEx("crackpick", 3000, 0, "i", playerid);
format(string, sizeof(string), "You kneel down to pick up some crack.");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
return 1;
return 1;
forward crackpick(playerid);
public crackpick(playerid)
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(DropInfo); i++)
if (PlayerToPoint(1.0,playerid,DropInfo[i][dx],DropInfo[i][dy],DropInfo[i][dz]))
if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) == DropInfo[i][dWorld])
DropInfo[i][dx] = 0.0;
DropInfo[i][dy] = 0.0;
DropInfo[i][dz] = 0.0;
if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 2) // Crack
new string[256];
format(string,sizeof(string),"* %s picks up %d grams of crack.",Name(playerid),DropInfo[i][dAmount]);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pCrack] += DropInfo[i][dAmount][0];
DropInfo[i][dAmount][0] = 0;
DropInfo[i][dAmount][1] = 0;
DropInfo[i][dType] = 0;
This on OnGameModeInit
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(DropInfo); i++)
if(DropInfo[i][dx] != 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dy] != 0.0 && DropInfo[i][dz] != 0.0)
if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 1)
if (DropInfo[i][dAmount][0] > 1 || DropInfo[i][dAmount][0] < 35)
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(gh_GetObjectID(DropInfo[i][dAmount][0]), DropInfo[i][dx], DropInfo[i][dy], DropInfo[i][dz]-1,93.7,120.0,120.0, DropInfo[i][dWorld]);
else if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 2) // Crack
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(1575, DropInfo[i][dx], DropInfo[i][dy], DropInfo[i][dz]-1, 0, 0, 0, 200.0, DropInfo[i][dWorld]);
else if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 3) // Pot
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(1578, DropInfo[i][dx], DropInfo[i][dy], DropInfo[i][dz]-1, 0, 0, 0, 200.0, DropInfo[i][dWorld]);
else if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 4) // Mats A
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(2040, DropInfo[i][dx], DropInfo[i][dy], DropInfo[i][dz]-1, 0, 0, 0, 200.0, DropInfo[i][dWorld]);
else if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 5) // Mats B
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(2040, DropInfo[i][dx], DropInfo[i][dy], DropInfo[i][dz]-1, 0, 0, 0, 200.0, DropInfo[i][dWorld]);
else if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 6) // Mats C
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(2040, DropInfo[i][dx], DropInfo[i][dy], DropInfo[i][dz]-1, 0, 0, 0, 200.0, DropInfo[i][dWorld]);
else if(DropInfo[i][dType] == 7) // Money
DropObject[i] = CreateObject(1212, DropInfo[i][dx], DropInfo[i][dy], DropInfo[i][dz]-1, 0, 0, 0, 200.0, DropInfo[i][dWorld]);
Re: Drops on OnPlayerDeath problem -
N0FeaR - 03.12.2012
What massage u get when u trying to picku the carck?