Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
jakejohnsonusa - 25.11.2012
For some reason I can't get the timer to Kill using /detectoroff after it's created with /detectoron. How do I fix this so It kills it?
pawn Код:
new DetectorTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
new DetectorOn[MAX_PLAYERS]=1;
if (strcmp("/detectoron", cmdtext, true, 11) == 0)
if(DetectorTimer[playerid] != -1) KillTimer(DetectorTimer[playerid]);//
DetectorTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("RunDetector", 2000, true, "i", playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Detector On");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "** You aren't in a vehicle!");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "** You don't have a Radar Detector!");
return 1;
if (strcmp("/detectoroff", cmdtext, true, 12) == 0)
if(DetectorOn[playerid]==0)return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Detector Already OFF");
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Detector OFF");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "** You aren't in a vehicle!");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "** You don't have a Radar Detector!");
return 1;
**Note that I will also need to add the kill timer function to other places in my GM**
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
RenSoprano - 25.11.2012
Can you explain some more what is the problem and show us your RunDetector code
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
iggy1 - 25.11.2012
Maybe it's because you don't check if the timer is already active? So if you do /detectoron, 2 times you will have 2 timers but can only kill one of them.
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
jakejohnsonusa - 25.11.2012
I am getting the message "Detector OFF" so I know that it's proceding correctly...
Run Detector Code:
pawn Код:
public RunDetector(playerid)
new counter = 0, string[128];
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 30.0, x, y, z) && i != playerid && IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsACop(i))
TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Textdraw79[playerid]);
// ignore this format(string, sizeof(string), "%s (%d)", Nick(i), i);
if(counter == 0) return TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw78[playerid]);
return 1;
By the way this was happening when the text draws were ClientMessages (so the text draws aren't the problem...)
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
iggy1 - 25.11.2012
Try this, it's your code but simplified, leave no chance of 2 timers on same var. It toggles it on/off one command.
pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/detector", cmdtext, true, 11) == 0)
if( !DetectorOn[playerid] )
DetectorTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("RunDetector", 2000, true, "i", playerid);
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Detector On");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Detector OFF");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "** You aren't in a vehicle!");
return 1;
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
jakejohnsonusa - 25.11.2012
I will test this in a bit Thanks, so KillTimer(DetectorTimer[playerid]); will work if I add it to other places in my GM right?
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
iggy1 - 25.11.2012
Yes, if it's global.
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
jakejohnsonusa - 25.11.2012
Global? What would need to be global exactly?
You just mean: forward RunDetector(playerid) ?
Re: Help please on Killing a Timer, it won't die! -
jakejohnsonusa - 25.11.2012
I'm a bit confused, I don't see what you mean? It looks fine. Why exactly won't it turn on though?
Thanks: jakejohnsonusa