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Attempting to Reconnect, Server Restarted, Server dosnt respond help - Printable Version

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Attempting to Reconnect, Server Restarted, Server dosnt respond help - mastercoder - 24.11.2012

Ok, so I was trying two new gamemodes and they both give me these errors : : I also tryed some other sources and some worked and some gave me the same one. I'm running the 0.3E client and when I run and connect localy it gives me that. I also asked a friend that lives quite far away to help, and when I was trying to connect to the game with his computer it gave him the same problems. I dont know what is the deal but does anyone know?

PS: I also tryed to use the gamemode that came with sa-mp and that works perfectly for both me localy and him who is far away.

Re: Attempting to Reconnect, Server Restarted, Server dosnt respond help - KeithLatteri - 07.12.2012

try unblocking your samp client on your firewall or the host might be down.

Re: Attempting to Reconnect, Server Restarted, Server dosnt respond help - Smxe - 07.12.2012

Mastercoder, there is something wrong with your server script. Do me the favor of sending me your log files via so I can help ya better. Thanks.