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SAMP crashes. - Printable Version

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SAMP crashes. - LennyBE - 24.11.2012

Hello guys, i have an great problem.

Everytime when i try to get in an server, doesn't matter what one, i get an crash, allways.

I have windows 7, and already tried to reinstall 0.3e, that worked, but after the first connect i crashed again.

I use weapon mods, ENB, and bullethole mod, anyone, help!

Re: SAMP crashes. - PockerFace - 24.11.2012

Try to remove all mods in GTA folder, only put GTA and 0.3e version, remove all mods and hacks (if you have) Then try.

+Rep if i help

AW: SAMP crashes. - Blackazur - 24.11.2012

Then try to deinstall the Mods, maybe reinstall GTA and SAMP 0.3e, and then try.