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I don't know why ... - Printable Version

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I don't know why ... - Sp3cter - 22.11.2012

I don't understand .... but when i'm adding that

pawn Код:
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 6);
On the command or when i get in checkpoint , it put the money bag and the wanted level for 1 second ! And some time it put it to player with id 0 !

Thank's in advance !

Re: I don't know why ... - iGetty - 22.11.2012

Can you show the whole command/checkpoint?

Re: I don't know why ... - Sp3cter - 22.11.2012


pawn Код:
dcmd_robbank(playerid, params[])
        #pragma unused params
        if(IPP(playerid,30,2310.8872, -13.2512, 26.7422))
            if(Robbing[playerid] == 0)
                if(Robbed[playerid] == 0)
                    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[256];
                    format(str,sizeof(str),"Jucatorul %s a jefuit banca, omoara-l sa primesti banii.",name);
                    SendClientMessageToAll(YELLOW, str);
                    SCM(playerid,-1,"Ai jefuit banca , acuma dute prin checkpoint.");
                    Robbing[playerid] = 1;
                    RobCP1[playerid] = 1; RobCP2[playerid] = 0; RobCP3[playerid] = 0; RobCP4[playerid] = 0; RobCP5[playerid] = 0;
                    RobCP6[playerid] = 0; RobCP7[playerid] = 0; RobCP8[playerid] = 0; RobCP9[playerid] = 0; RobCP10[playerid] = 0;
                    new randommoney = 50000 + random(50000);
                    rInfo[playerid][robMoney] = randommoney;
                    Robbed[playerid] = 1;
                    SetTimer("ReloadRobbing",3600 * 1000,false);
                    SCM(playerid,-1,"Banca a fost jefuita ! Asteapta 1 ora .");
                SCM(playerid,-1,"Ai jefuit deja banca , dute prin checkpoint");
        return 1;
The checkpoint

pawn Код:
if(RobCP1[playerid] == 1)
        RobCP1[playerid] = 0;
        RobCP2[playerid] = 1;
Them are without bag and wanted

Re: I don't know why ... - ScRaT - 22.11.2012

What's this? DCP(playerid);
BTW that usually happens when you use Settimer instead of settimerex.

Re: I don't know why ... - ViniBorn - 22.11.2012

Show ReloadRobbing

Re: I don't know why ... - Sp3cter - 22.11.2012

pawn Код:
#define SCP SetPlayerCheckpoint
#define DCP DisablePlayerCheckpoint
pawn Код:
public ReloadRobbing(playerid)
    Robbed[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;

Re: I don't know why ... - ViniBorn - 22.11.2012

For functions with parameters, use SetTimerEx

Re: I don't know why ... - ScRaT - 22.11.2012

Replace your timer with this
pawn Код:
SetTimerEx("ReloadRobbing",3600 * 1000,false,"i",playerid);

Re: I don't know why ... - Sp3cter - 22.11.2012

And how that look in my command , i doesn't used settimerex ...

Re: I don't know why ... - Drake_Lopez - 22.11.2012



SetTimerEx("ReloadRobbing",3600 * 1000,false,"i",playerid);
