Car Ownership -
MichiCZ - 21.11.2012
Hi, this is my first Include.
This include allows you to buy and manage your own vehicle.
1. Copy pastebin save as ""
2. The .inc file copy to folder "includes"
3. Now open our GM/FS and paste
#include <PCar>
a) PCar_DialogResponse(playerid,dialogid,response,lis titem); to public OnDialogResponse
b) PCar_PlayerConnect(playerid); to public OnPlayerConnect
c) PCar_PlayerDisconnect(playerid); to public OnPlayerDisconnect
d) PCar_VehicleDeath(vehicleid); to public OnVehicleDeath
e) PCar_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext); to public OnPlayerCommandText
Create folder "PCars" in "scriptfiles" folder
The pastebin is a sample script usage
Another approach can be found in the video!
/vehicles - Show list of your vehicles
/park - Park vehicle at its current position
Rate & Comments please
I'm from Czech republic, excuse my English
Re: Car Ownership -
[NWD]Jim._.Carrey - 22.11.2012
Very good!
Re: Car Ownership -
TheArcher - 23.11.2012
Did you think if the ID 123 on dialogs is already used? The value is too low and often its already used on gamemodes.
Re: Car Ownership -
MichiCZ - 24.11.2012
Dialog ID 123 I used just to test, feel free to change it
// Video Uploaded
Re: Car Ownership -
matiasmunk - 26.11.2012
Okay I edited the script and such, now I finally got it to work.
But /Park, doesn't change the spawnX,Y,Z, & A for the vehicle. It comes back to where I bought it.
Any ideas?
Re: Car Ownership -
MichiCZ - 26.11.2012
Change coords:
BuyCarForPlayer(playerid,vehiclemodelid,SpawnX,Spa wnY,SpawnZ,SpawnFacingAngle,Cost);
Re: Car Ownership -
matiasmunk - 27.11.2012
Yeah, that's not really what I meant.
I meant, when you type /park, it says that the position is saved.
But when I restart the server, it's back at bought spawn.
Re: Car Ownership -
matiasmunk - 08.12.2012
Any help?