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Can't login on my gateway - Printable Version

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Can't login on my gateway - Smokey13 - 21.11.2012

You know when you are going to port and to host a server, well, i got a THOMSON TG789vn and i need the username and password, iknow the password, but i cant find the username, and i tried

Name: Admin
Password: Password

I even tried
Password (the wireless PIN saying on the back of my router): ********

And it wont work, if anyone has any clue, it would help me alot for me and my friend, we are making a roleplay server and we really want this to work..

Re: Can't login on my gateway - [UE]Milan - 22.11.2012

Try "admin"

Re: Can't login on my gateway - CrossUSAAF - 22.11.2012

In most cases the username is admin. As I Remember, I Used username "Administrator" and password "password" without quotes to the one Thomson router, but I Can't remember the model.

Thank you.