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Server won't start. - Printable Version

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Server won't start. - LennyBE - 21.11.2012

Hello, everyone.

I made up an server with volt-host, added an Gamemode to the file manager, PWN and AMX file, but, when i try to start the server, it says you need at least an gamemode0, but i got it in my configuration file, can anyone please fix it?

Heres the config file.

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password /////////
maxplayers 10
port 7777
hostname Call of Duty - Ultimate Killerz.
gamemode0 WetWork 1 ( this GM is in my filemanager)
filterscripts admin Killstreak
announce 1
query 1
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

Re: Server won't start. - nLs - 21.11.2012

Did you add Linux plugins ?

Re: Server won't start. - LennyBE - 21.11.2012

No, i have windows, btw.

Re: Server won't start. - nLs - 21.11.2012

Volt Host runs off Linux, so you have to have Linux versions of things.

Re: Server won't start. - [NRG]Dark - 21.11.2012

Sorry, but what's this?

AW: Server won't start. - Blackazur - 21.11.2012

Maybe make Wetwork1 and not "Wetwork 1". But i dont know if that works. Or because that: bind

Re: Server won't start. - nLs - 21.11.2012

Oh, what's the one for after WetWork?

Never mind, wait time and someone posted before.

Re: Server won't start. - LennyBE - 21.11.2012

the bind is the IP, as far i know.

Re: Server won't start. - nLs - 21.11.2012

I've never seen a bind on a server.cfg

Re: Server won't start. - LennyBE - 21.11.2012

Should i remove it?And is there any way to fix it?