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[Map] Call Of Duty TDM server mapping. DAFUQ DUDE - Printable Version

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Call Of Duty TDM server mapping. DAFUQ DUDE - Insulin - 18.11.2012

[CENTER]So, after mapping some racing maps, i moved on to TDM. This map is basically for a server with team and cap bases stuff. So, watch the video and rate it. Keke ^-^


Re: Call Of Duty TDM server mapping. DAFUQ DUDE - Hoss - 18.11.2012

New BF map?
Nice one

Re: Call Of Duty TDM server mapping. DAFUQ DUDE - Insulin - 21.11.2012

ty dude.

Re : Call Of Duty TDM server mapping. DAFUQ DUDE - chuck005 - 21.11.2012

Nice map you've done, sadly the video is a pain in the butt to watch because it's lagging a lot. I think you should get a new screen recorder :P

Re: Call Of Duty TDM server mapping. DAFUQ DUDE - Smith_Jim - 21.11.2012


Re: Call Of Duty TDM server mapping. DAFUQ DUDE - Anak - 21.11.2012

nice dude