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[HELP]Car despawning - Printable Version

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[HELP]Car despawning - Riggster - 12.11.2012

Just wondering if anyone could help me because whenever I am testing my developing server when I get out of a car a few seconds later it despawns Can anyone tell me how to stop this

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - rbush12 - 12.11.2012

Are they scripted cars

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - Riggster - 12.11.2012

I dont get what you mean, there are in the script if thats what you mean

AddStaticVehicleEx(429,2213.50000000,-2207.19995117,15.00000000,44.00000000,-1,-1,15); //Banshee

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - rbush12 - 12.11.2012

The last number 15 is the time it takes to resplendent. Put it to -1 so it never respawns

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - NumbSkull - 12.11.2012

well there is your problem
AddStaticVehicleEx(429,2213.50000000,-2207.19995117,15.00000000,44.00000000,-1,-1,15); //Banshee
se that 15 at the end ...thats how many seconds you have befor it respawns make it something like
AddStaticVehicleEx(429,2213.50000000,-2207.19995117,15.00000000,44.00000000,-1,-1,15000); //Banshee

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - Riggster - 12.11.2012

Thanks to everyone who has helped me with this

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - rbush12 - 12.11.2012

No problem

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - Riggster - 12.11.2012

Can you help me with a freeze playerscript like what would I put in the script so it would freeze a player when they are cuffed

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - rbush12 - 12.11.2012

I would if I was on my pc. I can help you tomorrow if no one has replied already.

Re: [HELP]Car despawning - Riggster - 12.11.2012

Ok can you reply or PM me and that would be greatly appriciated thanks