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how do i do this? - Printable Version

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how do i do this? - Deaglez - 10.11.2012

how do I make the Following team being Anti teamkill by the humans?

Is it like this?:
pawn Код:
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_BLOODLINE)
    new string[64], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    format(string, sizeof(string), "BLOODLINE ANNOUNCE: %s is now on-duty.", name);
    SendClientMessageToAll(0xD40412FF, string);
    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
    SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 100);
    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, blskins[random(3)]);
    SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 2); // This onee
        SetPlayerTeam(playerid, 1); // and this one

Re: how do i do this? - Lordzy - 10.11.2012

By using SetPlayerTeam, I think it works as an anti-teamkill too. Or else, you could try something like this:
pawn Код:
new team1[MAX_PLAYERS], team2[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Creating two team global variables.

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issueried, Float:amount, weaponid)
  if(Team1[issuerid] == 1 && Team1[playerid] == 1)  //If issuer and the player is in same team.
    new Float:hp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    GetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp[playerid]);
    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp[playerid]); //So, here it gives balance and the player won't die.
  return 1;
//I believe this could work.

Re: how do i do this? - Deaglez - 10.11.2012

Is that only for 1 team?
I want to make it 2 team anti-team kills?

BTW Thanks. REp 1

PLS help

Im not a very good scripter

Re: how do i do this? - Lordzy - 10.11.2012

Here's it
pawn Код:
new team1[MAX_PLAYERS], team2[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Creating two team global variables.

public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issueried, Float:amount, weaponid)
  if(Team1[issuerid] == 1 && Team1[playerid] == 1)  //If issuer and the player is in same team.
    new Float:hp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    GetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp[playerid]);
    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp[playerid]); //So, here it gives balance and the player won't die.
  else if(Team2[issuerid] == 1 && Team2[playerid] == 1)  //If issuer and the player is in same team.
    new Float:hp[MAX_PLAYERS];
    GetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp[playerid]);
    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, hp[playerid]); //So, here it gives balance and the player won't die.
  return 1;

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
 if(Team1[playerid] == 1) return Team2[playerid] = 0;
 if(Team2[playerid] == 1) return Team1[playerid] = 1;
 return 1;

/*You can setplayer's team in this case like this:

Team1[playerid] = 1; //Then player is in team1.
Team2[playerid] = 1; //Then player is in team2.