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Moving an attached object / Seting the size of an CreateObject - Printable Version

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Moving an attached object / Seting the size of an CreateObject - kelvin22 - 01.11.2012


I am scripting an paintball gamemode and my friend told me that the paintballs are missing and yes he is right. So I need to set the size of object (beach ball) and then move it any idea how I can realise this? Also any suggestion for the ball?

Re: Moving an attached object / Seting the size of an CreateObject - iJumbo - 01.11.2012

You can't resize the create object .. anyway you can resize the AttachedObject ..

check wiki for more info

Re: Moving an attached object / Seting the size of an CreateObject - kelvin22 - 01.11.2012

And any way to the the SetAttachedObject?

Re: Moving an attached object / Seting the size of an CreateObject - iJumbo - 01.11.2012

No only with attachedObjects

fScaleX (optional) X axis scale of the object.
fScaley (optional) Y axis scale of the object.
fScalez (optional) Z axis scale of the object.

Re: Moving an attached object / Seting the size of an CreateObject - kelvin22 - 01.11.2012

Any suggestion for any small ball object?

Re: Moving an attached object / Seting the size of an CreateObject - iJumbo - 01.11.2012
