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[HELP] Security Password InPut - Printable Version

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[HELP] Security Password InPut - CrusherCpt - 30.10.2012

Hi, im trying to make a kind of security password type sistem in my GM..
I'll explain.. When the player tipes the password it apears "Black Balls" instead of the real password..

Is it possible?

Here's the Dialog

pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case DIALOG_REGISTER:
                    strText[179], naslov2[128];

                if(strlen(inputtext) >= 4 && strlen(inputtext) <= 35)
                    OnPlayerRegister(playerid, inputtext);

                    format(strText, 125, "You have registered with name {FFFFFF}'%s' {FFFF00}and password {FFFFFF}'%s'{FFFF00}, you are automatic logged in!", GetName(playerid), inputtext);
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF8000AA, strText);
                    format(naslov2, sizeof(naslov2), "     Welcome %s!", GetName(playerid));
                    format(strText, 179, "______________________________\n\nName %s isn't registered!\n\nPassword must be between 4 and 35 characters!", GetName(playerid));
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, naslov2, strText, "Register", "Exit");
            else Kick(playerid);

        case DIALOG_LOGIN:
                    strText[179], naslov2[128];

                if(strlen(inputtext) >= 4 && strlen(inputtext) <= 35)
                    OnPlayerLogin(playerid, inputtext);
                    format(naslov2, sizeof(naslov2), "     Welcome %s!", GetName(playerid));
                    format(strText, 179, "______________________________\n\nName %s is registered!\n\n{F81414}You typed wrong password!", GetName(playerid));
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, naslov2, strText, "Login", "Exit");
            else Kick(playerid);

    return 1;
If you know how to do, please explain.. Don't just paste de code :P

AW: [HELP] Security Password InPut - Skimmer - 30.10.2012

Why you don't use strcmp();

Re: [HELP] Security Password InPut - CmZxC - 30.10.2012


Re: [HELP] Security Password InPut - CrusherCpt - 30.10.2012

--" and I only learned 3 dialog styles :P


What's the difrence between strcmp() and YCMD? YCMD is faster..

Re: [HELP] Security Password InPut - RedFusion - 30.10.2012

strcmp can be used for other things than commands, YCMD cannot.
Strcmp is made for comparing strings String Compare

Re: [HELP] Security Password InPut - CrusherCpt - 31.10.2012

There's still sscanf :P
I'm already familiar with the YMCD, CMD, ZCMD :P