SAN ANDREAS Install problem [windows 8] - Printable Version
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SAN ANDREAS Install problem [windows 8] -
Snir_sofer - 26.10.2012
i have a problem with install gta sa..
thanks for helpers..
Re: SAN ANDREAS Install problem [windows 8] -
Yamakei - 26.10.2012
I don't think GTA:SA is fully compatible with W8.
Re: SAN ANDREAS Install problem [windows 8] -
Si|ent - 26.10.2012
Your image isnt showing.
Can you paste the crashlog please so we can see the address involved?
Re: SAN ANDREAS Install problem [windows 8] -
CrossUSAAF - 26.10.2012
I Have heard that GTA San Andreas is working in Windows 8. You are installing fresh copy from GTA San Andreas and make sure running it as system administrator?