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A call to an OS function failed. - Printable Version

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A call to an OS function failed. - MechaTech - 25.10.2012

I get this problem when I tried to add a server to favo. Also I can't run my local server anymore since I got that problem. Please help

Re: A call to an OS function failed. - Zircon-Hosting - 25.10.2012

Use the search-function next time,

Re: A call to an OS function failed. - MechaTech - 26.10.2012

I already saw that thread and yes I know how to use the search function, but I can't find the answer.

Re: A call to an OS function failed. - Yamakei - 26.10.2012

Can you explain your problem && alittle bit more explained?

Re: A call to an OS function failed. - MechaTech - 26.10.2012

I've started samp and I wanted to add a server to favorites, but when I click on that orange button (The button to add a server) It will say: A call to an OS function failed. So I can't add servers.

Re: A call to an OS function failed. - Yamakei - 26.10.2012

Could you upload a screen shot?

Re: A call to an OS function failed. - MechaTech - 26.10.2012

I already fixed it. I have am running it now with compatibility mode. Thanks anyway