Running samp, need proxy and authentication! - Printable Version
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Running samp, need proxy and authentication! -
denNorske - 25.10.2012
Hello !
I am trying to run SA:MP on my school, but since we are running over a proxy based network,i am not able to get online on any servers from my school. My school network is using a proxy ( and i am wondering if it is possible to apply that proxy on my SA:MP client somehow?
I really really need that because i should be able to play very often. So, how to apply that proxy and authentication into SA:MP client ?
Re: Running samp, need proxy and authentication! -
denNorske - 26.10.2012
bumpedibump. Anyone?
Re: Running samp, need proxy and authentication! -
CrossUSAAF - 26.10.2012
Are you trying to run SA-MP from school owned computer, or from your own? Your school maybe blocked some ports/incoming connections. From network connection properties you maybe able to add proxy details, but I'm not 100 % sure about that.
Re: Running samp, need proxy and authentication! -
Mafioso97 - 26.10.2012
If it's a school-owned computer; decrypting or disabling the proxy will be near impossible, but there's hope if it you're using your own computer.
Re: Running samp, need proxy and authentication! -
denNorske - 26.10.2012
I am using private computer connected to a DOMAIN, and i got proxy details and all that shit, just need the samp to apply those details somehow :P
Re: Running samp, need proxy and authentication! -
[UE]Milan - 26.10.2012
get a VPN ?
Re: Running samp, need proxy and authentication! -
CrossUSAAF - 27.10.2012
Domain can be a one reason. Network administrator may have forced some settings to your computer with group policy, because you have joined the domain. Have you tried to log in to your computer as local user and tried to leave the domain and join back to a work group? You could be able to use Internet connection without joining a domain. When you leave the domain, you should get back your computer old settings.