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Problem with label - Printable Version

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Problem with label - Face9000 - 24.10.2012

Hello, i created admin names based on level and added a textlabel to show it:


pawn Код:
new ok[128];
    format(ok, sizeof(ok), "%s\n", AdminLevelToName(playerid));
    AdminLabel[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel(ok, 0x008040FF, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 40.0, 0, 0);
    Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(AdminLabel[playerid], playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7);
And the stock:

pawn Код:
stock AdminLevelToName(playerid)
    new admin[128];
        case 0:
            admin = "Normal Player";
        case 1:
            admin = "Trustee";
        case 2:
            admin = "Moderator";
        case 3:
            admin = "Admin";
        case 4:
            admin = "Head Admin";
        case 5:
            admin = "Owner";
    return admin;
But it shows only "Owner",i've the /setlevel command so if i try to set someone to level 2-3 (for example),it doesn't update the text label. Thanks.

Re: Problem with label - ViniBorn - 24.10.2012

Try add Update3DTextLabelText in the command /setlevel

Re: Problem with label - Face9000 - 24.10.2012

Already done:

pawn Код:
Update3DTextLabelText(AdminLabel[playerid], 0x008040FF,AdminLevelToName(playerid));
but nothing.