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i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - Printable Version

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i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - Smith_Jim - 24.10.2012

hello!everybody hello!
i dont know how to make save gun in my gamemode,but my gamemode have some this:
pgun1-pgun12 and my scriptfiles have :Gun1=0 - Gun12=0 ,plz help me,add my skype:Smith_Jim2,fix it,i ill give you my gamemode!
And!if you can,plz make my gamemode have house pickup Icon,and have some like:house owner:***....on Icon.
like Revon's Rp..thats best!

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - verlaj - 24.10.2012

If you want to save player score, gun etc, then try using Y_ini

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - Smith_Jim - 24.10.2012

how?i have YSI,too may inc,which YSI.own?

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - verlaj - 24.10.2012

Find some TUT on y_ini or get an admin script which saves guns, scores etc

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - Smith_Jim - 24.10.2012

sry i am noob,i dont know how to ...
and i do something just now:i change scriptfiles user's Gun=0 to Gun=31,then i online,i got m4,but how to make player offline to save gun ?

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - gtakillerIV - 24.10.2012

What do you mean?

Do you want to open his user file when he is offline and edit his "Gun=0" ?

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - Smith_Jim - 24.10.2012

Like when he offline have m4,and change his user file Gun=31
i ill save his offline gun

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - gtakillerIV - 24.10.2012

Here is an example :

PHP код:
fstring[128], name[128], value;
sscanf(params"s[128]i"name,value)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"Correct Usage: /changeweapon [Player's Name] [New Weapon]");
format(fstring,sizeof(fstring), "Users/%s.ini"name);
fexist(fstring)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"The account you've typed in doesn't exist");
value || value 46) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"Weapon ID's are ranged from 1 to 46");
INI:file INI_Open(fstring);
INI_SetTag(file"test"); //Change "test" to your tag that you have when someone registers.
INI_WriteInt(file"Weapon"value);//Writing our integer in our .ini file.
INI_Close(file);//Closing our .ini File
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string), "You have changed %s's weapon to %i"name,value);

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - Smith_Jim - 24.10.2012

thank you

Re: i dont know how to make save gun,help me plz!! - gtakillerIV - 24.10.2012

What is wrong with it?