choosing a laptop - Printable Version
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choosing a laptop -
CJ101 - 18.10.2012
trying to choose a new laptop, since mine decided to fry itself.
I was thinking about this one
however i wanted to ask around before i bought one tommorow.
My budget: $400
at least 2.3ghz pls
if anyone could find a great one that can play games such as SA-MP and minecraft for $350-400, you are awesome.
Re: choosing a laptop -
DuelZ - 18.10.2012
HP Pavilion G6-1D62NR
Re: choosing a laptop -
oliverrud - 19.10.2012
Asus above any other in terms of reliable laptop, they always have decent placements for the airflow, bought my ASUS half a year ago, still performs great even though I've been fucking around with it.
Re: choosing a laptop -
tiernantheman - 19.10.2012
Don't buy a laptop, get a desktop. There are many out there, like HP, Advent, etc.
Re: choosing a laptop -
MrCoder - 19.10.2012
Originally Posted by tiernantheman
Don't buy a laptop, get a desktop. There are many out there, like HP, Advent, etc.
From personal experience, I agree. HP Pavilion's seem to be on sale cheap at the minute.
Re: choosing a laptop -
linuxthefish - 19.10.2012
Originally Posted by tiernantheman
Don't buy a laptop, get a desktop. There are many out there, like HP, Advent, etc.
What if he wants a laptop for school work? The one you have chosen is crap for normal stuff, but OKish for word etc...
Re: choosing a laptop -
MrCoder - 19.10.2012
Originally Posted by linuxthefish
What if he wants a laptop for school work? The one you have chosen is crap for normal stuff, but OKish for word etc...
Nice point there, I guess a laptop would suit best for school work. Being on a gaming site, naturally i assumed it would be for gaming.
Re: choosing a laptop -
dannyk0ed - 19.10.2012
A laptop would be nice for me also, depends only for school and videos and SA-MP.
Re: choosing a laptop -
Black Wolf - 19.10.2012
Fuck yeah the laptop has got good specs i am also in search of some and found this as best and suits my budget but fuck its only for USA -,-
Re: choosing a laptop -
Infinity - 19.10.2012
The laptop looks ok at first glance. Only thing I have my doubts about is its graphical performance, so I'd like to know what you are going to use it for.