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Anti TeamKill Help [Dr.Lozer] - Printable Version

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Anti TeamKill Help [Dr.Lozer] - dr.lozer - 17.10.2012

Hi,, Can Any one help me how to make Anti Team Kill ??

Exmple: If i shot on my Teammate so my Teammate Wont take damage

I tried this But its Slow

AW: Anti TeamKill Help [Dr.Lozer] - BiosMarcel - 17.10.2012

Use OnPlayerShootPlayer from wups(Its faster) theres a link in my LogFilterscript

Re: Anti TeamKill Help [Dr.Lozer] - dr.lozer - 17.10.2012


Re: Anti TeamKill Help [Dr.Lozer] - Spookie98 - 17.10.2012

Or, you can try to put the players on the connect/spawn in the same team using SetPlayerTeam and the anti team kill will be enabled by the script, no need for OPSP.