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What keybinder do you use? - Printable Version

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What keybinder do you use? - Fierros - 17.10.2012

I was just wondering which keybinder you guys use, to see if theres any different and better ones out there rather then just chaos keybinders. If you have a keybinder post the information about it here to help myself and other people searching for them, thanks for taking the time for this we all appreciate it.

Re: What keybinder do you use? - West X - 17.10.2012

I personally use AutoHotKey. Can't say much or compare it to others however, since this is the only program I've ever used for key binds.

Re: What keybinder do you use? - Roel - 17.10.2012

Logitech G510, 54 hotkeys.

Re: What keybinder do you use? - Vince - 17.10.2012

Logitech G15, 18 hotkeys. Plus 3 more on my mouse. But I don't play RP so I don't really have a use for them in SA-MP.

Re: What keybinder do you use? - Kimossab - 17.10.2012

Well I use my mouse, it's an A4Tech X7, there you can click one button and it will do what you want, type a text or more, move mouse, anything... Although, mine just have 2 free buttons (I can also use it in RMB or MMB, but I don't want to use those 2)...

Re: What keybinder do you use? - AMEENAMEEN - 17.10.2012

I use autohotkey because its free and has many functions.
and all other samp key bind programs cant do what autohotkey can do

Re: What keybinder do you use? - ricardo178 - 17.10.2012

Originally Posted by Kimossab
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Well I use my mouse, it's an A4Tech X7, there you can click one button and it will do what you want, type a text or more, move mouse, anything... Although, mine just have 2 free buttons (I can also use it in RMB or MMB, but I don't want to use those 2)...
How much did it cost?

Re: What keybinder do you use? - Fierros - 17.10.2012

I'll try out Autohotkey, thanks for the tip guys.

Re: What keybinder do you use? - Potassium - 17.10.2012

If you mean for SA-MP, I use Ultimate SA-MP Keybinder (USK). You can find it by Googling ^_^

Re: What keybinder do you use? - Kimossab - 18.10.2012

Originally Posted by ricardo178
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How much did it cost?
IDK, it was offered by my mother in my birthday, or was it in Christmas (?), IDK... But since it has just 2 free buttons, it may be one of the cheapest x7, since there are some wiht much more, there's also a keyboard, but IDK anything 'bout it.