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start some and finish after few days.. - Printable Version

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start some and finish after few days.. - tomsalmon - 13.10.2012

hello, i want to do a prizes system of the player can to win a Anti Bike Fall for 3 days, there is any way to do this without timer? leave the anti fall, i will do this. but i want it to end after 3 days.

PHP код:
dini_IntSet(File(playerid),"AntiFall",1)// i want it will automatically set to 0 after 3 days 
// i want it will automatically set to 0 after 3 days, can someone give me an example how to do this?

Re: start some and finish after few days.. - T-Raw - 13.10.2012

u need a msql system :/

Re: start some and finish after few days.. - .v - 13.10.2012

its easy if you will not use Days.

Re: start some and finish after few days.. - T-Raw - 13.10.2012

it is a whole looping with server info thing, he cannot use regular methods of saving 2 do this

Re: start some and finish after few days.. - Glint - 13.10.2012

You need to use UNIX (POSIX) Timestamps, check more information about it here

Re: start some and finish after few days.. - TzAkS. - 13.10.2012

1.Use a timer,not recomanded.
2.If you have a 'time system' on server,like weather change every hour..make +1 at every hour and when you got 72,you got 3 days,it`s just an ideea..

Re: start some and finish after few days.. - tomsalmon - 13.10.2012

i found this:

PHP код:
stock DaysBetweenDates(DateStart[], DateEnd[]) // by SharkyKH
datetmp[256], idx1idx2;
datetmp strtok(DateStartidx1'.');
Start_Day strval(datetmp);
datetmp strtok(DateStartidx1'.');
Start_Month strval(datetmp);
datetmp strtok(DateStartidx1'.');
Start_Year strval(datetmp);
datetmp strtok(DateEndidx2'.');
End_Day strval(datetmp);
datetmp strtok(DateEndidx2'.');
End_Month strval(datetmp);
datetmp strtok(DateEndidx2'.');
End_Year strval(datetmp);
init_date mktime(12,0,0,Start_Day,Start_Month,Start_Year);
dest_date mktime(12,0,0,End_Day,End_Month,End_Year);
offset dest_date-init_date;
days floatround(offset/60/60/24floatround_floor);

with this i can do this too? because i don't understand the unix timestamp.. if i can do it with this function, can you give me an example how to do this?

Re: start some and finish after few days.. - tomsalmon - 13.10.2012
