What The Problem With This Textdraw? -
kesem140599 - 07.10.2012
i Did a TextDraw Score For TDM..
But , When i Kill Some 1 In The TDM , The Score Of The 2 Teams Up 2 1001/1002.. :/
i Will Tell Now All of The Code's
ASc = Team A Score
BSc = Team B Score
TextDraw Is : new Text:ASc; + new Text:BSc;
Ok ,
This is The CodePHP Of the TextDraw On GameModeInit
PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit
new str[128];
format(str,128,"Red Team - %d", ASc); ASc = TextDrawCreate(16.000000, 260.000000,str);
TextDrawFont(ASc, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(ASc, 0.3, 3.5);
TextDrawColor(ASc, 0xff0000FF);
TextDrawSetOutline(ASc, false);
TextDrawSetProportional(ASc, true);
TextDrawSetShadow(ASc, 1);
format(str,128,"Blue Team - %d", BSc); BSc = TextDrawCreate(16.000000, 290.000000,str);
TextDrawFont(BSc, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(BSc, 0.3, 3.5);
TextDrawColor(BSc, 0x00d9ffFF);
TextDrawSetOutline(BSc, false);
TextDrawSetProportional(BSc, true);
TextDrawSetShadow(BSc, 1);
OnPlayerDeath Score's..
PHP код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
new str[128];
format(str,128,"Red Team - %d",ASc);
format(str,128,"Blue Team - %d",BSc);
if(Team_A[playerid] & Team_A[killerid])
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF,"чбецд а' тщъд ийн чйм млп йшгд мдн рчегд");
if(ASc == 0)
ASc = 1;
return ASc--,format(str,sizeof(str),"TextDrawShowForAll(Text:ASc)", "TextDrawSetString(Text:ASc,string[15])", "TextDrawShowForAll(Text:ASc)");
if(Team_B[playerid] & Team_B[killerid])
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF,"чбецд б' тщъд ийн чйм млп йшгд мдн рчегд");
if(BSc == 0)
BSc = 1;
return BSc--,format(str,sizeof(str),"TextDrawShowForAll(Text:BSc)", "TextDrawSetString(Text:BSc,string[15])", "TextDrawShowForAll(Text:BSc)");
if(Team_A[killerid] & Team_B[playerid])
return ASc++,format(str,sizeof(str),"TextDrawShowForAll(Text:ASc)", "TextDrawSetString(Text:ASc,string[15])", "TextDrawShowForAll(Text:ASc)");
if(Team_B[killerid] & Team_A[playerid])
return BSc++,format(str,sizeof(str),"TextDrawShowForAll(Text:BSc)", "TextDrawSetString(Text:BSc, string[15])", "TextDrawShowForAll(Text:BSc)");
return 1;
Please Help Me ;/
Re: What The Problem With This Textdraw? -
xplor09edy - 07.10.2012
public ongamemodeinit
public OnGameModeInit
Re: What The Problem With This Textdraw? -
kesem140599 - 07.10.2012
dude its already like that -.-
its just a problem with the score..
when some 1 from Team_B Kill Team_A Its Will Up 1001 Score.. :/
Re: What The Problem With This Textdraw? -
kesem140599 - 07.10.2012
plesae some 1 help mee i need so much help with this
Re: What The Problem With This Textdraw? -
M3mPHi$_S3 - 07.10.2012
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit
new str[128];
format(str,128,"Red Team - %d", ASc); ASc = TextDrawCreate(16.000000, 260.000000,str);
TextDrawFont(ASc, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(ASc, 0.3, 3.5);
TextDrawColor(ASc, 0xff0000FF);
TextDrawSetOutline(ASc, false);
TextDrawSetProportional(ASc, true);
TextDrawSetShadow(ASc, 1);
format(str,128,"Blue Team - %d", BSc); BSc = TextDrawCreate(16.000000, 290.000000,str);
TextDrawFont(BSc, 3);
TextDrawLetterSize(BSc, 0.3, 3.5);
TextDrawColor(BSc, 0x00d9ffFF);
TextDrawSetOutline(BSc, false);
TextDrawSetProportional(BSc, true);
TextDrawSetShadow(BSc, 1);
return 1;
Re: What The Problem With This Textdraw? -
kesem140599 - 07.10.2012
its the same bro no?
i have problem with the textdraw score on onplayerdeath
please help me...