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[FilterScript] Minigun Troll - Printable Version

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Minigun Troll - NoahF - 04.10.2012

Hey guys, I was really bored so I decided to make a funny script.
When a player connects, they will get sent a message saying that if they type /minigun, they will get a minigun with 5000 ammo. This is great to fool those "wannabe hackers" who think they can get a minigun and wreak havoc.

So the player types it, and they think they got a minigun when suddenly, a bunch of shit happens to them! Their color gets set to a bright pink, if they are in a car, the car's colors get turned bright pink, they get their skin set to a hillbilly, fat girl(ID 200), a dumpster gets attached to them, their health gets set to 1.0, a song called "Umad bro" by Team Headkick starts playing, and they get some drunk effects.
I designed this with features and revenge/fun/loling in mind. Feel free to edit this however you like, just don't remove the credits, and make sure you ALWAYS give me credit.

Download v1.0:

Pastebin v1.0:

This FilterScript HAS been tested by me and works perfectly.

Thanks to Zeex for zCMD.

Re: Minigun Troll - Ghost_Boii - 04.10.2012

Nice i like it

Re: Minigun Troll - NoahF - 04.10.2012

Originally Posted by Ghost_Boii
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Nice i like it

Re: Minigun Troll - lilmar - 04.10.2012

lol cool.

Re: Minigun Troll - RaZzZzoR - 04.10.2012

I think : Justin Bieber - Baby
Sounds better =))
Anyway, good job.

Re: Minigun Troll - .v - 05.10.2012

and add attached object like chainsaw d1ck in his face.

Re: Minigun Troll - DeadLy™ - 05.10.2012

Lool Nice FS.
+Rep Dude

Re: Minigun Troll - NoahF - 05.10.2012

Originally Posted by .v
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and add attached object like chainsaw d1ck in his face.
Good suggestion! It would be funny, but I don't know how to get the coordinates or position for the dick on the characters body.


05/10/2012 06:57 AM
Re: Minigun Troll
Lool Nice FS.
+Rep Dude


Re: Minigun Troll - C00K13M0N$73R - 05.10.2012

Badly scripted

pawn Код:
CreateObject(910, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
AttachObjectToPlayer(910, playerid, 1.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 2);
public dumpsterdeletetimer()
That isnt the modelid you need to attach, its the object name.
pawn Код:
new object[MAX_PLAYERS];//Outside of any callbacks
object[playerid] = CreateObject(910, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
AttachObjectToPlayer(object[playerid], playerid, 1.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, 2);
pawn Код:
public dumpsterdeletetimer()

Re: Minigun Troll - jpeg - 05.10.2012

Good ;/