What is the best Mobile OS - Printable Version
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What is the best Mobile OS -
misho1 - 04.10.2012
i will buy new mobile and i want to know the best mobile os
Re: What is the best Mobile OS -
NewerthRoleplay - 04.10.2012
Androids are alright if you get a decent phone, my HTC wildfire is a piece of shit imo
Re: What is the best Mobile OS -
Cell_ - 04.10.2012
This poll isn't even real or either are you leaving under a rock or something. I can't consider a poll about 'the best mobile OS' without iOS being an option in it.
AW: What is the best Mobile OS -
Drebin - 04.10.2012
Re: What is the best Mobile OS -
misho1 - 04.10.2012
idk how to edit the poll just use other
Re: What is the best Mobile OS -
DeadLy™ - 04.10.2012
Re: What is the best Mobile OS -
IstuntmanI - 04.10.2012
iOS 6, for it's Apple Maps.
Re: What is the best Mobile OS -
royal_king - 04.10.2012
Android! Go for it..
Re: What is the best Mobile OS - Riddy - 04.10.2012
iOS, easy and smooth
Android - Depends on the phone, terrible on my HTC Wildfire S.
Re: What is the best Mobile OS -
Djole1337 - 04.10.2012
Android ftw <3