Forum suggestions -
Alcatraz Gaming - 04.10.2012
Post your
FORUM suggestions over here ( Not the client suggestions )
My suggestion is to get the link 'Topic Solved' if the topic is regarding something the user needs help with
The topic would also be locked when clicked on 'Topic Solved'.
Re: Forum suggestions -
Potassium - 04.10.2012
Or the mods could just lock the topic when it has been resolved, like they are already doing
Re: Forum suggestions -
Alcatraz Gaming - 04.10.2012
Not agreeing with you, they don't have enough time to browse the whole forums to check if a topic is solved
Re: Forum suggestions -
Markā¢ - 04.10.2012
I don't see any need of this one. The forum is going well like it should.Topics do get locked when required.