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How ?! - Printable Version

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How ?! - Red_Dragon. - 01.10.2012

How can i know who gave me a reputation point ?!

Re: How ?! - Riddy - 01.10.2012

You cant simple.

Re: How ?! - Red_Dragon. - 01.10.2012

Why ?!

Re: How ?! - Jansish - 01.10.2012

Unless they leave it in the message, you can't.

Re: How ?! - Red_Dragon. - 01.10.2012

Okay, Thanks anyway for you two guys

Re: How ?! - Riddy - 01.10.2012

Originally Posted by Red_Dragon.
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Why ?!
I really dont know. must be so rep4rep is done :P

Re: How ?! - ColorHost-Kevin - 01.10.2012

Earn the rep yourselves by helping others! You cant give yourself reputation.