Movies / Series to watch? -
DRIFT_HUNTER - 29.09.2012
Currently im watching "The Vampire Diaries" and i love it.I also watched Twilight and Underworld and i enjoyed watching that movies.Can anyone suggest me some good Movies or Series to watch?I will give you a list of what i liked the most so you can know what im looking for,but also take it as suggestion to watch in future if you didnt.
One thing: Please do not say Titanic i watched it and i didnt like it at all,but i loved "The notebook".
Prince Of Persia: The sands of Time
The notebook
Raise Your Voice (These is the only movie that make me drop some tears)
F&F - All of them
POTC - All of them
Here on earth
A walk to a remember
The green lantern (Some parts never get boring)
Van Wilder (I only didnt rely liked second movie...idk why...)
Breaking Bad
The Vampire Diaries -
Best TV Show i ever seen
Human target
Born to race
Death race (2008 and 2010)
The island
B-13 (Franch movie but its awesome)
Real Steel
Bank Job
Italian Job
The recruit
Deja Vu
Total Recall - Recomnded
Thx for any suggestions (If i like some i will edit my post and add that movie below so if there are people with similar taste like me can watch them to)
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
Gamer` - 29.09.2012
Recommend "The big-bang theory" if you like comedy.
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
Lorenc_ - 29.09.2012
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead
I have to keep finding some good shows :P
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
zDevon - 29.09.2012
Person of Interest
Hawaii Five-o
Two and a Half Men
Two Broke Girls
The Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
EliteDrive - 29.09.2012
The Unit
Prison Break
The Walking Dead
Breaking Bad
tons of others.... lol
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
Niko_boy - 29.09.2012
Jurassic Park :X lawl
Rush Hour
MIB 3 and series
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
Markā¢ - 29.09.2012
True Blood, Grey's Anatomy, Revolution and Teen Wolf.
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
castlecity - 29.09.2012
the breaking bad the walking dead - SAMUEL L JACKSON MOVIES
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
Nick_Echo - 29.09.2012
The happening
Swat: Firefight
- Never say never
Re: Movies / Series to watch? -
Extremo - 29.09.2012
Things that haven't yet been mentioned but I think are awesome:
Sons of Anarchy,
Falling Skies