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Netherlands Market - Deathh - 28.09.2012

I'm looking for a good deal on an RX7 and some other stuff.

Many countries have their own market site in which people can sell / buy stuff there.

Does the NL have this? I just barely got here and I'm new, lol.

(Would be a great deal if the website offers English translation )

Helpful posts will be repped.

Re: Netherlands Market - Hiddos - 28.09.2012

I'm not sure about translated pages, but in Holland you can use mutliple sites for selling/buying. For cars (considering you're talking about an RX7) autoscout24 or speurders.

For selling/buying 2nd-hand stuff in general (including cars, but also TVs, household accessories, boats, toys, basically everything) you'd best be off looking at Marktplaats

Re: Netherlands Market - justsomeguy - 28.09.2012

I am from Holland, and I personally reccomend Alternate it does not have an English alternative for it's cliлntell is mostly Dutch and Belgium people(I believe).

I love the delivery times and personally buy all my hardware there, I am not sure if they have an RX7 though, if you have any trouble translating it, than you can always ask me, or ****** Translate!

Re: Netherlands Market - tiernantheman - 28.09.2012

You can try ebay :P

Re: Netherlands Market - Deathh - 28.09.2012

Originally Posted by tiernantheman
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You can try ebay :P
Nah man, I'd prefer one of the sites the others posted.

+Repped all. Thanks.

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