Problem's with fuel -
ivanVU - 26.09.2012
I have problem's with fuel, it's not seting fuel. not even to one vehicle.
public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
new vID = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid);
Fuel[vehicleid] = 50;
Fuel[vehicleid] = 30;
Fuel[vehicleid] = 200;
Fuel[vehicleid] = 250;
Fuel[vehicleid] = 1000;
HelpFuel[vehicleid] = 9;
Engine[vehicleid] = 0;
Lights[vehicleid] = 0;
return 1;
I made command
new vID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
Fuel[vID] = 50;
return true;
and it's seting, but problem is that i have to type that command 2 times..
I need help with this, to make setting fuel right.
Sorry for my bad english, I hope that you have understand me.
Re: Problem's with fuel -
ivanVU - 27.09.2012
BUMP! Help Please!
Re: Problem's with fuel -
ikbenremco - 27.09.2012
why you're returning true why not return 1; ?
Re: Problem's with fuel -
ivanVU - 27.09.2012
it's same 1 mean's true, 0 mean's false.
Re: Problem's with fuel -
zDevon - 27.09.2012
May I see the stock you're using to check the vehicle types? (just one)
Re: Problem's with fuel -
mamorunl - 28.09.2012
As specified by the wiki: OnVehicleSpawn is called when a vehicle
Re: Problem's with fuel -
ivanVU - 29.09.2012
I't was under ongamemodeinit before, and it's now under onvehiclespawn,
this variable HelpFuel was setting, so i know that problem is somewhere in check, but i don't know did u screwed up with my stock or with check's under onvehiclespawn...
HelpFuel[vehicleid] = 9;
Here is one of those stock's..
stock Car(vehicleid)
new v = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid);
if(v == 400 || v == 404 || v == 405 || v == 409 || v == 415 ||
v == 418 || v == 424 || v == 426 || v == 429 || v == 410 ||
v == 411 || v == 412 || v == 413 || v == 419 || v == 420 ||
v == 421 || v == 422 || v == 401 || v == 402 || v == 424 ||
v == 426 || v == 429 || v == 434 || v == 436 || v == 438 ||
v == 439 || v == 442 || v == 445 || v == 451 || v == 457 ||
v == 458 || v == 466 || v == 467 || v == 470 || v == 474 ||
v == 475 || v == 477 || v == 478 || v == 479 || v == 480 ||
v == 485 || v == 489 || v == 490 || v == 491 || v == 492 ||
v == 494 || v == 495 || v == 496 || v == 500 || v == 502 ||
v == 503 || v == 504 || v == 505 || v == 506 || v == 507 ||
v == 516 || v == 517 || v == 518 || v == 526 || v == 527 ||
v == 528 || v == 529 || v == 530 || v == 531 || v == 533 ||
v == 534 || v == 535 || v == 536 || v == 539 || v == 540 ||
v == 541 || v == 542 || v == 543 || v == 545 || v == 546 ||
v == 547 || v == 549 || v == 550 || v == 551 || v == 552 ||
v == 554 || v == 555 || v == 559 || v == 558 || v == 560 ||
v == 561 || v == 562 || v == 565 || v == 566 || v == 567 ||
v == 568 || v == 571 || v == 572 || v == 573 || v == 574 ||
v == 575 || v == 579 || v == 580 || v == 582 || v == 583 ||
v == 585 || v == 587 || v == 589 || v == 596 || v == 597 ||
v == 598 || v == 599 || v == 600 || v == 602 || v == 603 ||
v == 604 || v == 605) return true;
return false;
Re: Problem's with fuel -
xMCx - 29.09.2012
post the errors
Re: Problem's with fuel -
ivanVU - 29.09.2012
I don't have errors.
Re: Problem's with fuel -
ivanVU - 29.09.2012
Sorry for bumping, but is there anyone who know's this?