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[Map] ★Quad-ParkouR★ - Printable Version

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★Quad-ParkouR★ - RycherserK - 24.09.2012

Hello everyone! Well today I bring you my first contribution to the community:





Is a parkor-map with quad bike is a simple map i made a while ago, just enjoy it.
Maybe i will getting bigger and with more details, that would probably be a version 2.

Download it here.

Say any questions or suggestions!


Respuesta: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - RycherserK - 24.09.2012

Thanks Yeah Im xD

//Edit, anyone know the code to see the video?

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - Riky35800 - 24.09.2012

Nice map dude !
Whats the teleport cordinate ?

Respuesta: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - RycherserK - 29.09.2012

Thanks! The cord is 758.8382, -2564.6028, 12.0225

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - Knight_Rider - 29.09.2012

Here's the video
Looks Nice

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - Flashhiee - 29.09.2012

9/10 for details

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - Samp_India - 29.09.2012

There is no ******* tag.You just have to enter the URL of the Video here.

Ontopic : My Rating : 7.8/10

Respuesta: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - RycherserK - 29.09.2012

Oh Okay, I didn't know about the video. Thanks guys!

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - KINGINA - 29.09.2012

nice map, a lot of objects....

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - GangsterLifeRP - 29.09.2012

and the point of this parkour is? its not like people are gunna use it :P,

Nice tho

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - Nick_Echo - 29.09.2012

Looks fun, nice job 7/10

Respuesta: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - RycherserK - 29.09.2012


Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - HaiderABbas - 31.05.2013

nice Rych

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - Red_Dragon. - 31.05.2013

Looks decent. Might be useful for stunt servers. Keep it up. 6/10

Re: ★Quad-ParkouR★ - dEcooR - 08.06.2013

Yeh great