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How to remove some game stuff (Pickups, CJ run, Etc') - Printable Version

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How to remove some game stuff (Pickups, CJ run, Etc') - BlueGames - 24.09.2012


After i successfully made the spawn on my first work i found some game stuffs like:

-CJ run
-Some game businesses ?!
-Many Pickups

Well my quisten is, if i can remove it all and clearthe server/mod from gta game stuffs.
Wish to get help like befor with the spawn isuss !
Thank you for the helpers !

[EDIT] For explain i SS'ed this thing.

Re: How to remove some game stuff (Pickups, CJ run, Etc') - Rimeau - 24.09.2012

Add this to your OnGameModeInit callback:

pawn Код:
UsePlayerPedAnims(); //All peds have the same running animation
DisableInteriorEnterExits(); //Disables all the yellow ENEX markers

Re: How to remove some game stuff (Pickups, CJ run, Etc') - BlueGames - 24.09.2012

Originally Posted by Rimeau
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Add this to your OnGameModeInit callback:

pawn Код:
UsePlayerPedAnims(); //All peds have the same running animation
DisableInteriorEnterExits(); //Disables all the yellow ENEX markers
Thank you !