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Server not online for others (to play) - Printable Version

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Server not online for others (to play) - nicholas1 - 24.09.2012

My server
HostName: [Z]Nutin to Lose[0.3e]
Players: 0 / 20
Ping: 3
Mode: ZL v1
Map: San Andreas

I cant get the ports working.I tried the udp and crap.But,I think im not doing it right.Can,someone please give me a video or tell me how to do it.

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - jakejohnsonusa - 24.09.2012

I asked tyis the other day. Here the topic/solution:

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - ikbenremco - 24.09.2012

open RUN > CMD > Ipconfig > take the ipv4 adres and go port forward

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - shivkat - 24.09.2012

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - M3mPHi$_S3 - 24.09.2012

If you mean on how to port forword then read my signature :

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - GangsterLifeRP - 24.09.2012

portforward it or Get a Host, Id suggest get a host because hosting from Home sucks and if some one DDosses your IP, Your internet will be ddosed so get a host

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - SAMP_Luke - 24.09.2012

You need to..

1) Port forward
2) Have a static IP

If they are not an option..

1) Ask a friend
2) Buy paid hosting

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - GangsterLifeRP - 24.09.2012

Paid hosting is the Best, Or Like SAMP_Luke said, Ask a friend to host it for you and make your self owner and Run a server

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - nicholas1 - 25.09.2012

Thanks guys but another question I have.Is where does I find a host? and Does I have to pay them?

Re: Server not online for others (to play) - nicholas1 - 25.09.2012

Thanks guys samp getting boring for me now.I dont have no good servers and mostly games are getting boring to me.So,thanks for the help.But,I am just donna delete the server and stop making it.I guess I will upload the files for someone else to have it.