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Help Warrning - imnoob - 21.09.2012

C:\DOCUME~1\EA3B~1\Desktop\FREAKW~1\FILTER~1\CAROWN~1.PWN(1336) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "DealerCar"
I dont have symbol or what the fuck needs i have only this
new VehicleInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][car_info];
new DealerCars[37];
new Text3D:DealerCar[37];
new Vehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];
new CarPrice[MAX_VEHICLES];
new VehOwned[MAX_VEHICLES];
new ConfirmSale[MAX_PLAYERS];
new gVehLocked[MAX_VEHICLES];
new VehPlate[MAX_VEHICLES][256];
new gPlayerHasCar[MAX_PLAYERS];
new IsADealerCar[MAX_VEHICLES];
new Checkpoint[MAX_PLAYERS];
AND I wanna know if the filterscript have atleast 1 warning does that gonna work ? because with 1 warning my fs dont work gives me Unable to load CarOwnership.amx

Re: Help Warrning - gtakillerIV - 21.09.2012

It means that you never used this line :-

new DealerCar;
So just remove it.

It says that it is located at line (1336) so go to that line and look for "DealerCar".

Re: Help Warrning - clarencecuzz - 21.09.2012

Remove this line:
pawn Код:
new Text3D:DealerCar[37];
Or comment it "//" if you're planning on further use with it.

Show us your server log if the problem loading the filterscript still occurs.

Re: Help Warrning - imnoob - 21.09.2012

Originally Posted by clarencecuzz
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Remove this line:
pawn Код:
new Text3D:DealerCar[37];
Or comment it "//" if you're planning on further use with it.

Show us your server log if the problem loading the filterscript still occurs.