ANTICHEAT | spawnhp 100?? - Printable Version
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ANTICHEAT | spawnhp 100?? -
s3rserii - 18.09.2012
i code my onw little anticheat for halth. I set all players hp to 99 and if a player have over 99hp (like cheating) will banned. But if anyone dies he get banned. Is code must work but it not ^^
If i connect on the server it work and i have 99hp but if i die and respawn automatic it will bann me..
hope for help
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 50);
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
new Float:health;
if (health > 99)
SpielerInfo[playerid][pBan] = 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "[ANTICHEAT] {FFFFFF}Du wurdest wegen Health-Hack gebannt");
format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF0000}[ANTICHEAT] {00FF00}%s {FFFFFF}wurde wegen Health-Hack gebannt",SpielerNameAnzeige(playerid));
Re: ANTICHEAT | spawnhp 100?? -
2KY - 18.09.2012
Try putting your OPU check into a timer. OnPlayerUpdate is too quick for your players health to update in time.
AW: ANTICHEAT | spawnhp 100?? -
s3rserii - 18.09.2012
OnPlayerUpdate call every second right?
AW: ANTICHEAT | spawnhp 100?? -
Littl3j0hNy - 18.09.2012
Did you read the wiki page for OnPlayerUpdate?
Important Note: This callback is called very frequently per second per player, only use it when you know what it's meant for.
- Lj
Re: AW: ANTICHEAT | spawnhp 100?? -
2KY - 18.09.2012
Originally Posted by s3rserii
OnPlayerUpdate call every second right?
SetTimer( "Timer", 1000, true );
would be called every second, OnPlayerUpdate is called thousands of times per second. (Every time they press a key, move their mouse, ect)
Re: ANTICHEAT | spawnhp 100?? - next-studio|TheKiller - 18.09.2012
Use a settimer, and do not overload it with useless scripts.