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Bus job - Printable Version

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Bus job - swell - 18.09.2012

Hey everybody,

I want to make a bus job, but i don't know how. I can't find a good tutorial without a command.
I think it's not very difficult so i ask it here, than i know it for the rest of my life

I have 6 buses:
pawn Код:
AddStaticVehicleEx(431,848.90002441,-1196.19995117,17.20000076,178.00000000,-1,-1,15); //Bus 1
AddStaticVehicleEx(431,883.90002441,-1196.00000000,17.20000076,177.99499512,101,1,15); //Bus 2
AddStaticVehicleEx(431,917.90002441,-1196.30004883,17.20000076,177.99499512,101,1,15); //Bus 3
AddStaticVehicleEx(431,868.40002441,-1237.09997559,15.30000019,357.99487305,101,1,15); //Bus 4
AddStaticVehicleEx(431,914.59997559,-1230.09997559,17.20000076,267.98950195,101,1,15); //Bus 5
Those buses have to deliver people by diffrent bus stops in San Andreas.
This are the checkpoint cordinates:
pawn Код:
372.0157,-2036.1799,7.3854  //firts stop
-1564.2279,-2743.7307,48.2481 // second stop
-2193.3167,-2266.2122,30.3334 // thirt stop
-2764.8013,-299.5383,6.7511 // stop 4
-1347.2574,-232.9522,13.8553 // stop 5
-1519.2874,921.4100,6.9004 // stop 6
-2261.8918,2300.1143,4.5637 //stop 7
-380.2293,2223.3311,41.8008 //stop 8
135.1081,1955.9368,19.1509 // stop 9
1504.4318,2240.3994,10.5300 // stop 10
1728.3821,1530.2593,10.3757 // stop 11
2040.0952,1342.0010,10.3888 // stop 12
1589.0879,-1293.7585,17.1447 // stop 13
894.2917,-1220.0970,16.6808 // end, back by base.
in every checkpoint they get 250 dollar.
Or at the end 3000 dollar.

I know it's something with:
- OnePlayerEnterVehicle
- SetplayerraceCheckpoint
- DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint
- OnePlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint

But i don't know how i can make it.

can someone help me?